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On-street parking charges in Tavistock town centre

Devon County Council is proposing to implement on-street parking charges in Tavistock town centre. 


Tavistock BID strongly believes that such charges would further encourage shoppers away from the town centre – to supermarkets/shopping centres which have their own free parking, if not online shopping. We strongly believe this move will jeopardise the survival of many town centre businesses, who are facing very difficult trading conditions in the current economic climate.


It seems that Devon County Council is trying to close their budget deficit by raising money in a move that directly impacts on businesses who are already being squeezed by higher bills. 

This move would also be detrimental to those the town serves. Easy, free, on-street parking is one of the reasons local people still use their high street and is one of the main reasons the town thrives in the face of adversity. This can be evidenced by the relatively steady footfall the town experiences. 

We believe that the turnover/churn afforded by the one-hour parking currently available is critical for businesses and for the vitality of the town centre. 


Please sign this petition if you believe that the impact of on-street parking charges on your business would be. 




Sign Our Petition

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Tavistock Visitor Information Centre, Guildhall Gateway Centre

Guildhall Square

Tavistock, Devon PL19 0AE

Tel: 01822 813946 

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Many thanks to Robin Rich who kindly supplied many of the photographs on the website.

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